Another major milestone
Riverlinx CJV Riverlinx CJV

Another major milestone

Another major milestone ahead of tunnelling for the Silvertown Tunnel was achieved when the first elements of the Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) were lowered into the launch chamber.

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Tunnel eye is lifted into place
Riverlinx CJV Riverlinx CJV

Tunnel eye is lifted into place

A tandem lifting operation of the tunnel eye for the launch chamber of the Silvertown Tunnel took place in May, following several weeks of careful planning by the Riverlinx team.

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Concrete segment visit
Riverlinx CJV Riverlinx CJV

Concrete segment visit

Riverlinx JV recently visited the tunnel lining contractor Banagher Precast Concrete in Ireland to oversee the production of the concrete segments that are being used for the Silvertown Tunnel.

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Riverlinx starts transporting waste by barge
Riverlinx CJV Riverlinx CJV

Riverlinx starts transporting waste by barge

We have now started removing beneficial reuse excavated material by barge, following a major upgrade of the facilities at Thames Wharf in Silvertown, to enable safe mooring and loading.

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